4 The AmFTP ARexx Port
REXXPORT: AMFTP.1 / AMFTP.2 / ... (Shown in window title) -------- Commands: -------- CONNECT PROFILE/N V1 Connect with server profile Nr. PROFILE. (See also CONNECTHOST to connect to a specified host, see also GETHOSTS, to get all profile labels) CONNECTHOST HOST V2 Connects to given host. (See also CONNECT to connection to a stored profile entry) CLOSE V1 Closes Connection. (See also QUIT to close connection and quit) ISCONNECTED V1 Returns "1" in RESULT, if we're connected to any host. CHANGEDIR DIR V1 Sends changedir command to server. CHANGELOCALDIR DIR/F V2 Changes the directory in the left window. An empty pathname ("") causes a reload of local directory contents. GETDIRS VAR V1 Fills all directory entries from the right listview in a STEM variable. Returns number of entries in RESULT. (See also GETFILES) GETLOCALDIRS V2 Fills all directory entries from the left listview in a STEM variable. Returns number of entries in RESULT. (See also GETLOCALFILES) GETFILES VAR V1 Fills all file entries from the right listview in a STEM variable. Returns number of entries in RESULT. (See also GETDIRS) GETLOCALFILES VAR V2 Fills a STEM variable with the file contents of the current work directory. (See also GETLOCADIRS) GETSELECTED VAR V2 Returns the selected items in the right window into a STEM variable. RECEIVE FILE V1 Receives directly file from variable. (See also BATCH, RECEIVEBATCH) BATCH FILE V1 Marks file from variable in batch queue. (See also CLEARBATCH, RECEIVEBATCH) CLEARBATCH V2 Clears all contents of the batchwindow. (See also BATCH) RECEIVEBATCH V1 Receives batch queue from connected server. (See also BATCH, CLEARBATCH) SEND FILE V1 Sends local file from variable to remote server. (See also RECEIVE) INACTION V2 Returns 1, when AmFTP is still in action (See also WAITACTION) WAITACTION PORT V2 Sends Msg to specified RexxMsgPort, when action of last command is done. Use just "call WAITPKT 'rexxmsgportname'" from rexxsupport.library to wait. There is no need of a GETPKT afterwards. (Take a look at example rexx script how to use it) RAW TEXT/F V1 Sends raw command to connected server. You should know, what you're doing, using this command. (See also rfc 959) ICONIFY V2 Iconifies the userinterface. (See also SHOWUP) SHOWUP V2 De-Iconifies the userinterface. (See also ICONIFIY) QUIT V2 Causes the programm to close the connection and end. (See CLOSE to only close connection) GETHOSTS VAR V1 Fills all profile entry labels in a STEM- variable. (See also CONNECT) GETPROFILE PROFILE/N VAR V2 Fills the settings of the given profile in a STEM array. (See also SETPROFILE) (Take a look at example rexx script how to use it) The variables are: VAR.LABEL Labelname VAR.HOST Hostname VAR.PORT Portnumber VAR.ADT Aminet Download Tool-Server VAR.ANON Anonymous Login? VAR.USERNAME Login username VAR.PASSWORD Login password VAR.DEFDIR Default directory VAR.LOCALDIR Local directory SETPROFILE PROFILE/N VAR V2 Sets the profile according to the parameters given. (See CREATEPROFILE, GETPROFILE for use and parameters) Unset variables aren't changed in profile. (Take a look at example rexx script how to use it) CREATEPROFILE VAR V2 Creates a new empty profile with given parameters. Returns the number of the created profile, to fill in with SETPROFILE. (See also GETPROFILE, SETPROFILE) (Take a look at example rexx script how to use it)
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